Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I blame the Herräng chaos!!

Woke up this morning after a series of immensely vivid dreams. You know, the kind where everything seems to become abundantly clear, only to quickly disappear from your concience when you wake up, leaving you dazzled and confused. I had this image in my head when I woke up. It's from one of the larger general accomodation areas in Herräng. I now think it's fairly obvious why I've all of a sudden had this urge to organise things in my life and get some structure. Do you blame me?

Ja, I am now carrying very heavy things to the attic, and so on and so on. Jaha... What would Daaaniel, He-Man do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Näää I can't live like that, that is why I slept in a tent.