Tom. He's great. I talk to him very often. It's so weird that I can be best buddies with a guy I've never even met. If you see this, thank you for everything you've done for me.
I got this picture the other day from him. The guy on the right is Frankie Manning. (Photographer: unknown)
Went to "Kallis" again yesterday. It's so close that I really don't have any excuse not to go there. 16 degrees in the water, very nice. I've spent the last few days socialising and working. Went to a BBQ at Johan Norin's house on Friday. Great fun, and I ended up sleeping on the sofa. Yesterday, Ulrike had a party. Loads of people there, and I really enjoyed it. I talked mostly to Olle and Johanna though.
Today I've emptied my car which was full of cardboard boxes. I'm very pleased. Basement next...
I just logged on here after saying goodbye to Singe who was here tonight. Robert was here too and we tried out 4 cigars. It was nice! We had malt whisky with it and rounded it all off with some coffee. Very nice indeed, and we intend to keep the tradition going. I want to add that I have never ever in my life tried smoking a cigarette, and I never will. I have never tried any drugs either. The occassional cigar every 6 months or so, I don't see as being so harmful. Mostly, it's a fun event.
Well, not much to say really. Today I wish I was a kid again, up in the sky somewhere, like I was in this picture. Things just seemed less complicated back then.
Today is a weird day. I've felt confused lately, hence my need for organising the place. It just all of a sudden feels like I've found the missing link, somehow. Today, I feel at home here in my apartment. I really like it. I want to clean up. I want to do the dishes. I even want to pay the bills and make the cd cases. It's really very liberating.
10 things to be happy about today:
1. Hugo, the cat, is looking at me with his sparkling eyes right now. 2. I found a hole in the wall to put the trash in. (Yes, I'm officially retarded) 3. I fit into Sara's skinny jeans today. 4. I finished 2 cd covers. 5. I booked a washing time, on time. 6. I'm still smiling from last night. 7. I have great friends. 8. The sun was shining. 9. I've just started changing email from outlook to gmail. 10. I feel OK with the fact that I will make myself go to bed before 11.
Yes.. the environment. Sure, the idea of recycling is great. However, the tenants in my apartment have recently been exposed to somewhat of a shock. Going from chucking unsorted trash in a huge container (=easy and doable) to having a super neat little house with 20 different containers for everything from mom's old underwear to your sister's hairbrush, all in one day, is just too much for (lazy) people to handle. Let's face it. The human race is a lazy bunch. In the process of organising my home, I've discovered a thing or two. You must overcome the psychological barriers before you can put things back where they belong. Whether it be to put stuff that you don't use so often higher up in your cupboard, or whatever. If it's too hard work for some reason, people just simply won't do it.
The recycling house is gorgeous. It's taken me ages though to 1. buy little containers for boxes, tins and bottles. Will soon fix the last one for plastic. That's all I have space for. But what about the remaining 16 things you need to sort? How do you do that in an apartment that is 42m2? I've also spent a fair bit of time trying to figure out the most basic thing: where do you put your normal trashbag from the kitchen? There IS no container for that!
It feels easier to run for President than to chuck my rubbish. Recycling, sure, but not on these terms. It's too complicated and too much hard work for the average person.
Despite my negative outlook, I went there today, to try to learn more and maybe, just maybe feel more at ease with the whole concept. You know what? They just built it, and now, outside, there's a note reading:
"Many of you have not been using the recycling area appropriately. We have therefore decided to close it as of September 1st. Please take your trash to the other recycling house, 5 mins away, where we have cameras".
Oh, I feel so fucking inspired. We are only human after all, and people should realise that big changes aren't possible overnight. Good thinking, but not realistic. Think of the obstacles people have built-in first, before spending so much money on trying to change the world in 24 hours. I'm all for change, but it must be gradual, so that people have time to adjust accordingly.
Now, where should I put my kitchen trash bag...? *sigh*
The view from the sauna window. There are plenty of saunas there. What scares me is going from 18 degrees (today) to this: Today I went with two colleagues from work to "Kallis". It was fantastic, like last time. If you had too much on your mind when entering, you could be sure it had all conveniently vanished when leaving. The warm breeze against your skin. The sunrays embracing you. The sound of the waves and the birds. I just loved it. I sat down with a mug of coffee just watching and listening.
Get rid of the stress in life. Start dancing, go swimming in the sea all year around. Steal a kiss or two. You're all set, right there.
Oh, and last night I went dancing in town. It was one of the best times I've had! Dancing with Johan was a bit of a hallelujah moment for me. He's great, and I always learn alot from him.
I love this clip. This guy has recorded alot of covers. But there is something about his voice which tells me he picks songs that touch him. They certainly touch me. Listen to this song, and allow youself to listen to what your heart is telling you.
I've been trying to lie to myself for quite a few weeks. I won't anymore. It feels better just to be real.
Light a candle, close your eyes. What does this song tell you? We only live once. Make the most out of it. Never forget.
Work started today, with the kids returning from their summer holidays. It was really nice to see them again. I keep myself busy in the evenings by meeting up with people, dancing and finishing off my little organising project.
I've finished all the paperwork now, both my private and catbay stuff. I need to assemble a couple of more things and put some lights up. Then after all that is finished, there's the cables and sockets. I need a few more sockets in each room. Dad has promised to help me fix that and tidy up the cables. I have got stuff to do every night this week. I must write it down, or else I'll forget something.
Can't wait for Joe Spinachi on Thursday, all of us will go dancing on Gustav Adolfs Torg here in Malmö.
Oh yeah, and the basement and attic. I'll give those another month. So much for deadlines eh. :) Doing alright though, and it's very rewarding.
Goddammit. How hard can it be? I am master of procrastination, as you have heard before. Now, the small unit to keep under the desk (although it turned out to be 5 mm too high...) is finally ready. Assembled by me. I am very proud :). I will keep private paperwork in the transparent folders, catbay company stuff in the black, and the red folder is called Action, for stuff that needs taking care of immediately, new bills for example. Small unit for paperwork and stationary. Done.
I talked earlier about Tom Koerner and Debra Sternberg, who, when I was in Herräng, asked me to tell Lennart Westerlund to call them regarding a weekend coming up with Frankie Manning in Washington DC. Well, update on that is that he is actually going over there, and will be teaching with Ewa "W". As it turns out, he's now participating in an event called Century Masters in Seattle. The lineup includes:Barbara Billups,Skip Cunningham, Dawn Hampton, Jeni LeGon, Norma Miller, Sugar Sullivan, Lennart Westerlund, Chester Whitmore, Chazz Young.
Unfortunately, Frankie has just had a pacemaker inserted. Hopefully, he'll recover. I think he sounds great and healthy on the phone when you hear him in this wonderful radio show, almost live from Seattle! Lennart, Dawn and Frankie all have wonderful stories to tell here. (Thanks WENDY for sending it)
Yesterday was one of those days. I might as well have crossed it out of the calendar.
However, it's a new day. I intend to make this one nicer than the previous. Going for coffee with Sara and Dimman is always a pleasure, and concert afterwards is great too. Looking forward to it.
Usually I'm an evening person, but the last few days I have been more productive in the daytime.
This "I don't dance so much now" business is not for me. Seriously, I can't wait until dance season starts with courses and more responsibilities when opening and closing the place, etc. I don't feel good without it.
Sit, good dog, stay, bad dog, down, roll over Well here's a good man and a pretty young girl Trying to play together somehow, I'm wasting my life, you're changing the world, I get drunk and watch your head grow
It's the good times that we share and the bad times that we'll have It's the good times and the bad times that we had
Well it's been a long slow collision, I'm a pitbull, you're a dog, Baby you're foul in clear conditions But you're handsome in the fog
So I need some fine wine, and you, you need to be nicer For the good times and the bad times That we'll have
Sometimes we talk over dinner like old friends Till I go and kill the bottle, I go off over any old thing, Break your heart and raise a glass or ten
To the good times that we shared and the bad times that we'll have To the good times and the bad time that we've had
Well it's been a long slow collision, I'm a pitbull, you're a dog, Baby you're foul in clear conditions But you're handsome in the fog
So I need some fine wine and you, you need to be nicer For the good times and the bad times we know will come Yeah I need some fine wine and you, you need to be nicer you need to be nicer you need
For the good times and the bad time that we had Sit
Good times, bad times Sweet wine, bad wine Good cop, bad cop, Lapdog, bad dog Sit.
Isn't it cute? I bring it with me in my handbag. I'll use it to surf the net, check mail and call people on skype. I will also use google calendar on it. I wish I knew alot more about those things though. It would be nice to have everything in sync, so you don't need to check mail on two computers etc. Hmm... grateful for any ideas on how to do this efficiently. Come on, talk to me!
3 people have called today to ask if I want to go downtown with them for the opening night of the Malmö annual festival. I love them for thinking of me. Especially on a day like this when I feel life could be a bit brighter. I simply didn't have time to go out tonight too because I have two recordings tomorrow. I must finish backing vox tonight plus set up the office properly if I can make it on time. I hate IKEA furniture. Or rather, I hate assembling it. Today, I should / ought to / must assemble this, although I'd rather sit here typing. Oh you gorgeous men, where are you when I need you?!
Back at work. I'm frustrated. I don't have enough money in the budget to buy a keyboard and some exercise books. I tend to run away from the problem by ignoring it. Usually, there's nothing I can do to change things, so. Go with the flow. Deal with it. Served on a plate, here you go.
Ali came to visit. Oh boy, great talks. He's a great guy!! Come back soon buddy!
The bedroom is totally clean now and things are where they are supposed to be. I like it. The only thing that's not completed is the corner where I'm putting the laundry basket and putting up hooks to put not-quite-dirty clothes on.. and possibly a little shelf there... I'm undecided what to do.
Thank Goodness. It's up. The shelf, that is. I bought it, they delivered it, and it was broken. I had to bring Sara to help me carry it yesterday. Today I needed help again to assemble, so Micke and Mette came over and helped me. I made them dinner, which seemed to keep them happy. The other day a few other friends helped me by lifting some heavy furniture and bringing it up to the attic.
Now I have the shelf in the bedroom and will start putting things where they belong. I assigned the vocal booth corner as a combined reading/guitar corner. I can see myself sitting there with a book and a cup of coffee. Unless the cats invade the space. I don't think they will though, they haven't even been curious yet.
It's slowly getting close completion, and my deadline is on Thursday. Luckily, Ali will come here and drink whisky and sleep on the sofa (or on the new chair which also is a fold-out bed!). I'm lucky enough to have 3 hen parties come in on Saturday to record - and I had another request to do a birthday party recording on Thursday. Sorry, but no can do! Ali comes first! (And his fabulous whisky).
Yesterday, we were all in Båstad for Johanna's 30th. Singe and I played a number of songs, which I think went quite well. I had a good time yesterday, despite many confusing encounters.
I have this vision of inviting people over for nice dinner parties this fall. I have decided to invite a few people who know each other, a few who know *of* each other and one or two that don't know the rest of the people there. I see it as a bit of a challenge to try to get the right mixture of people in order to get a really good athmosphere. My guests for tonight were Singe, Maria Schilling, Anders Mannesson, Mia Ripa and Robert Klingvall. They all dance, but don't know each other very well. It turned out to be great. They brought wine, Robert brought a cigar, and I had some whisky to go with it! For dinner, we had a simple spaghetti bolognaise. We talked about this, that and the other and before we knew it, it was 2.30 am! On a Thursday! Robert who lives in Lund had to sleep on the sofa. I'm pleased. Very good bunch last night!
I went with Hans-Inge Magnusson (also known as "Singe") to a gig today. He plays piano with Gunhild frequenty. Today's gig was a bit different - it was sort of an open rehearsal in the bass player's garden!! The neighbours brought coffee and sponge cake, and.. well, what can I say? Nobody did this when I grew up. Imagine having had this in your own garden? It doesn't get much better than this, folks!
Woke up this morning after a series of immensely vivid dreams. You know, the kind where everything seems to become abundantly clear, only to quickly disappear from your concience when you wake up, leaving you dazzled and confused. I had this image in my head when I woke up. It's from one of the larger general accomodation areas in Herräng. I now think it's fairly obvious why I've all of a sudden had this urge to organise things in my life and get some structure. Do you blame me?
Ja, I am now carrying very heavy things to the attic, and so on and so on. Jaha... What would Daaaniel, He-Man do?
I fall in love easily. It's been more than a year since I became single. I am very happy and content with my new life. I've set some standards to go by if I meet somebody else. The lyrics to this song express things better than I ever could. Simple. Genius.
You look nice alright and I like the way you nod after everything I say like it actually means something to you And I like your record collection Townes and Jens with a hint of Rickie Lee And you’ve cleaned up the bathroom, made a really nice soup but a bit too much sci-fi in your shelf with DVDs
But there’s some things you need to know about me: I’m weak right now, real weak right now I need proof before I dare to open this heart so I prepared a quiz for you:
Would you freak out if I said I liked you? Do you walk the line? Is your IQ higher than your neighbour’s? And is it very much higher than mine?
Can you sleep when I grind my teeth? Do you look away if I slob when I eat? Will you let me be myself? Can you at all times wear socks? because I’m still scared of feet
Do you talk in the middle of Seinfeld? Do you read more than two books a month? Do you get racist or sexist when you’ve had a few? Is it fine if I make more money than you?
Have you slept with any people I work with? Is there anyone you’d rather wish I’d be? Do you still keep pictures of old girlfriends? Are they prettier than me? And if I’d fall, would you pick me up? If I fall, will you pick me up?
...dreadful thing to think about, a deadline. It's the only way I can function properly, however. I've set a deadline for Sunday 17th of August, the day before the kids come back to school. Before then, hopefully I will have a fully functional, organised place including attic and basement. It requires patience (of which I have practically none). I also must focus on one room and one area at a time so I get it done. It's very easy to start moving things around in a different room, and then you feel like you've accomplished absolutely nothing. Focus and patience. Great exercise for me, since I have a hard time with the latter at times.
Today's plan is another IKEA trip (with Maria Lundgren this time), rehearse with Singe for a little gig this weekend at a party in Båstad with the dancers (about fifty people will show up...).
Why does my drill provoke so much resistance? I managed to find storage which fit OK in my cupboards. I think it turned out ok, not fantastic. What will be fantastic, however, are 8 hooks inside the wardrobe where I will hang my bags and dance shoes. I'm almost done in the hallway, I think.
Either bedroom or living room next. Haven't decided yet. Probably bedroom, since Ikea didn't stock the futon chair I was after for the living room. I've been thinking back and forth about whether to get a small TV or not. I think I'll wait for a bit and see what happens. I may try to get more clever use out of the laptop instead. Maybe a USB-hub would make it easier to connect and disconnect usb-devices quickly when I need to move it around alot? I don't know that stuff. Looked at an antenna for it today, woah - do I really need to have ANOTHER huge thing connected to it? What's the point of a laptop then? I mean, really...
I spent quite alot of time rearranging kitchen utensils, making it fool-proof for my laziness. Everything now has it's own space, and is easy to get to.
Bathroom is also ready to rock n' roll. I have everything I need in there now, including a tiny guest book, and an old 70s magazine about Björn Skifs. Reminds me, I should put something cool about dancing in that bag too.
Working on the hallway now and it's a biiig project. (You wouldn't think so, considering I moved in in September last year, would you?). I guess I just put things where there was space when I moved in, not really thinking first.
I sound mentally deranged, I'm sure. But try it, it's very liberating getting rid of things you no longer use, and being able to clean up in 5 minutes instead of 5 days. Trust me. I've tried. I failed. Miserably.
p.s. Now that you've seen my bathroom cupboard (which most people will probably open when they visit anyway), don't bother looking for sex toys. You won't find any.
I have begun the quest of seriously organizing this place. Once and for all. Today I took a shoerack that I used for plants on the balcony, placed it in the warderobe on top of the preexisting one and wahay, I now have 4 shelves for shoes. In the livingroom I have a box which also serves as a chair. It used to be full of beautiful vinyl records. I placed the vinyl so you can see it, in my shelf, moved the other chair/box out on the balcony. Now balcony is less cluttered, the living room feels more spaceous AND I have more space for shoes. Nifty no?
My new idea is to scrap the television. a)I hate watching it b)i haven't watched tv for say more than 20 hours in a year and c) it's way too big. So my new idea is, get a little antenna for the computer since it has a built in tvcard and I can move this around to the bedroom too if I wish, and I can watch tv and dvd on there. Second plan is maybe to get a small white thing (see pic above) to place in the bedroom. I would then find the bedroom more cozy to be in, and I would maybe spend more time in there. I only sleep in there as it is today and I don't find it cozy at all. Hmm... scrap big TV-plan seems very tempting. Then I can put all the DVDs in the bedroom. I can then keep my stereo out here on a low white shelf and put something beautiful (and practical) on top instead of this huge beast which probably is not nurtured enough.
I've been meeting up with people almost constantly. Went to the beach yeterday with Johanna and Johan Åkers. The day before that, I went to Folkets park with Maria Lundgren. Yesterday, Sara and I met up with Mårten and Emma, Anna & Anders and Johan Å and listened to Malmö Symphony Orchestra in Pildammsparken. It was great, you bring your own wine (which I managed to spill on some lady in front of me). Afterwards, we headed off to Mårten's for a few drinks.