I have no idea what to do on Midsummer's yet. Would be nice to meet up with some of the dancers. But who knows?
As summer is approaching, so is my break. I am extremely sensitive to sounds and noises at the moment. Hopefully some proper swing music in Herräng will cure it. It's just the sound of slamming doors, and loud voices, alot of people screaming or talking at the same time... Sometimes we'll have 3 students playing 3 different distorted tunes on their cell phones simultaneously. Maybe someone in the adjoining apartment is also drilling in the wall at the same time. This, my friends, is really more than I take right now.
Jaså, du lider också av hyperacusis?
Tillfällig i alla fall, det stör mig inte i vanliga fall, men när jag är utmattad i vanliga fall, funkar det inte alls med oväsen. Får frispel på ljud. Men som sagt, inte alltid.
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