Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Time for a change.

I exercise regularly now. I do BOSU twice a week, spinning 2-3 times and I dance lindy hop and tango at least once each, every week. Hopefully this will get me into decent shape soon. I also try to think about what I eat a bit more. Since the breakup, I haven't felt any need for candy or crisps which is a plus.

Bosu plus daily exercises at home while brushing my teeth or at work during a break, has improved my balance immensely in just a month. I recommend this to everyone, you feel like you have much more control over your body. Going to the gym today, wahey!

Yesterday I was more efficient than ever. Was certainly an improvement in my life, considering that I'm a pro when it comes to putting things off until the last minute. I was super efficient yesterday.

On a more personal level, I have worked very hard these past 7 months both in my private life and at work. I feel like I'm as ready as can be for new and exciting things. I know now what my weaknesses are, and I have the right tools to attack them, should they reappear. I feel stonger, happier, more independent, and above all, more confident than ever!

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