Saturday, November 10, 2007

50 First Dates

Yeah, that movie was ok. I am not a fan of Drew Barrimore though. I was getting ready to go on a date with Baker Boy today. Again, he cancelled. I am quite fed up, and the prospect of going out with him doesn't appeal to me at all. Thumbs down, and it's a no no for me. Bye bye! From now on he shall be known as Wimpy Boy instead.

I am looking forward to tonight's dancing. I am not good at dancing at all,(I haven't really done any dancing in that sense) but it just seems so fun! I mangaged to persuade 5 other people from work to come along too, which is super cool! Nice to look at some nice bums anyway, if nothing else.

Yesterday, I got a phonecall from my colleague / neighbour Theresia who wanted to have a drink or two so I spent a few hours at her place.

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