Tuesday, February 12, 2008


My cat Bibbi has fallen ill very quickly and her kidney values are sky-high. I am trying some special food, but everybody say that it won't help, and kidney failure is bound to make me have to put her down. It's sad. I don't think I have grasped it, and I won't, until I go home with an empty box. I don't want her to suffer of course, so I won't try to keep her alive if I see things aren't improving for her. Sigh. The reality of having your pet die is something that you know about, though. I just don't want her to suffer. She is very hungry right now and eats very well, but doesn't drink. I have to give her water with a syringe, and it's very difficult and she hates it. Plan is to do this for a week to see whether her body responds. She looks so little and feeble though so I don't have any hopes.

Such is the way of the world I guess.

Yesterday, N came and was really nice and helpful about it. After, I tried to clear my head by going dancing. I danced so much and everybody was lovely. Mårten showed me loads of things and gave me advice, and boy, did I need that yesterday. I got to dance to Nina Simone's "My Baby Just Cares For Me", which was like a dream come true, because in my mind, that song is totally amazing.

All in all, a schitzo day, very very sad on the one hand and totally euphoric on the other.


Maria Nilsson said...

Jag lider verkligén med dig och Hugo. Husdjuren betyder mer än man tror. Hälsa Bibbi att jag inte sagt hejdå så hon får leva ett tag till.... /Maria

Lina K said...

Har inga förväntningar här, hon är så liten, börjar likna selma i storlek faktiskt. (och bibbi var en fet katt tidigare)
hoppas du har det bra.