Monday, January 26, 2009

The coolest school project

I've arranged for 3 of my students to interview Tom on Skype since they are working with law vocabulary in English class. On Wednesday they'll be talking, and they're very nervous. Tom, in the meantime, has received an mp3 of one of the boys singing which I recorded in my home studio. The kids received the following mail this morning:

Hey guys,
I've booked an appointment with Tom Koerner for your interview. You will be talking to him on Skype on Wednesday morning at 8.30. You must be on time. Have great fun with it, he's a great guy and really really nice, and he's got three sons of his own!

Short background.
Back in February I saw Tom Koerner dancing on Youtube. I thought it looked awesome, and so I decided to write him a letter. He was happy, and read it out loud at Glen Echo a huge dance venue in DC, which takes about 700 dancers. We've written emails ever since, and talk on Skype all the time.

He's the owner and co-founder of "Gottaswing" - a swing dance business in Washington DC. He lives in Fairfax, VA (Virginia, one of the two Washington states). He's a very important person in the lindy hop scene today, and is one of the first people to bring back this dance (which originally started in the 1920s). He is famous and knows alot of important people. But apart from being a dance promoter, and teacher - he works as a defence lawyer in Washington DC.

Please remember that in the US, the people democratically vote for their President. The President shares his / her power with the Supreme Court and Congress. Nobody has more power than the other - every one of them HAS to approve all decisions made - a pretty neat system, no? So, the President (Obama) alone cannot make a decision without the approval of the other two. A system we call "checks and balances". The whole country has their own laws, all set out in the CONSTITUTION (grundlag). All kids in High School learn alot about what's in the constitution, for example "The right to bear arms" (rätten att bära vapen). So, the country has laws, BUT all the states and counties all have their own little government with their own laws - like little separate countries. This makes it complicated in DC, which is situated across TWO states - the state of Virginia as well as Maryland. (This, as you understand, creates difficulties because both states have different laws and regulations , yes?)

To prepare, I want you to do the following:
1. Send me your questions.
2. Check out these websites:,_D.C.
search for "Tom Koerner" on youtube. (If you search for "tomandlina" you'll find an embarrassing clip of me dancing with him in October).
search for "lindy hop" on youtube.
3. Learn the following vocabulary attatched to the printout of this mail.

It's going to be great great fun!!

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