Saturday, November 15, 2008

The American Dream

Yes, according to the infamous legacy of the American Dream - everyone can succeed in this world if you work hard enough. Having second thoughts about my teaching at the moment;an idea just came to me today. If I had some money to gamle with, I'd start my own business number 2 and run an all-American diner around here. I think it would do huge business. Imagine the furniture, the jukebox, the authentic burgers, the huge milkshakes - and Elvis and Little Richard blasting out of the speakers. Imagine a small dancefloor where you could have dancers or live band with this. I think I need some more guts. Don't you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jag hade gillat det! Jag saknar bås i de svenska caféerna.

Finns det några bås-ställen i Malmö?