Friday, April 11, 2008

Was today just a dream?

Sara and I were once again at the dinner party the other night. This time, it was Dimman's turn. He just loves us. We just love him. My turn next - must think of something nice to cook. Maybe something more exciting than noodles would be in order.

Today has been the most peculiar day. I hated it, start to finish, and I wish it never happened. I had to go to hospital this morning, and put syringes in funny places, and afterwards, the nurse gave me four strong pills (antibiotics). As a result, I was groggy all day, and could really not understand whether things during the day really happened or if they were part of some vivid dream. I've been completely drained today, but I just had to go dancing yesterday.

And I just *have* to go dancing tomorrow. It's Gunhild for Chrissakes!

Met the ex today. He was really nice and helped me with the computer for the studio. I'm quite happy to sit here on my own now, however.

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