Saturday, April 19, 2008

The perfect relationship, or at least a really good one

Does it really exist?
Yesterday I started to doubt it. Everyone seems to split up nowadays. This is partly a healthy sign, that you have self-respect and want things to go well for you in your life. But also sad. Is it really possible to get through periods when things go downhill or get bumpy? Just talking about stuff doesn't really seem to help. I truly believe both parties need to have the willpower to make things work, i.e. put in alot of effort when things turn sour, and put a serious effort in to improve things. If we just keep blaming each other, it's bound to fail. I just feel dubious today as to whether it's possible to mend the seams or not.
Or, maybe, we just keep finding the wrong partners. I really don't know. Maybe there are very fortunate few in this world who were really truly meant to be together. Until death do us part, etc...

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