I've had some good days and some bad days recently. Things seem to work out well for the most part, little by little.
But all of a sudden my father fell and tore a muscle and was in a lot of pain, a few days after that, my mom had a terrible toothache and had to go to emergency dental care. Luckily both of them feel a bit better now.
But then what happens? I tidy up the house and clear away some of the ex's stuff. He carries a heavy computer monitor by himself (I feel so guilty about that now :( ) home and falls over very badly, lands on his face, injures his nose, lips and chin and breaks his wrist! I rushed over there to help give a lift to the emergency. It was all so sad. I felt really sad for him, and to see someone close to you feeling hurt and being in pain is not easy. I had a hard time leaving him behind in hospital today. At least we had a good laugh and talk whilst sat there. It's just sad that alot of our recent talks have taken place in an emergency room, both today and also when I was there awhile back for a week. Oh yeah, I was there for a week. Woopty doo.
Who said life would be easy??
Enough rambling from sad, depressed me today.
Aj det har verkligen varit en hel del sjukhusbesök för din del med tanke på din blindtarm och så nu allt detta. Hoppas alla kryar på sig och inte har alltför ont!!
Tack, det värmer.
Du vet, det går bra för det mesta, men vissa dar blir bara inte som dom borde på nåt sätt.
Jag börjar för övrigt vänja mig lite vid otursgrejerna. Kanske finns någon tanke bakom detta?
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