Wednesday, June 17, 2009


This year's Stockamöllan jazz Festival took place this weekend. I went in the car with Anders Malmberg (who took the photos you can see here). Had some fun dances, and really liked the shows Gunhild Carling put on. Saturday's dancing was disappointing due to the fact that the music was overwhelmingly fast and similar all the way through. I didn't feel like dancing so much. We had some classes, my favourite being one where we did kicks in the swingout, and also one called rhythm variations. We ended the weekend by dancing like crazy in a dirty room in the machine hall. When I took a shower I noticed my ankles had gone black from dust getting inside my jeans. It was a dirty job, but someone had to do it.

Monday's dancing was fantastic in mejeriet. I and Mannesson danced alot because we picked 1/3 of the songs each, kind of. Anton danced alot with me too. I totally loved the music and the dancing. Tomorrow, last session with Big Apple. Gotta practise now.

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