Who cares about the bikini-season? I've never cared, and I never will. What I do care about, however, is to learn how to incorporate routines into my daily life. I've never had them, even when I was a kid. Going to bed a certain time, or having dinner at a certain time never existed. Anyway, I want to get in shape. My body has told me it's unhappy, and that, in return, makes me less happy too. Herräng 2009 - something some of us dance nerds focus on, in order to become a bit more fit.
Here's my deal. I'm going to start to have routines in my life, bit by bit. This past week, I've worked on mainly one thing (everything else was a bonus): to go to bed at 11 and try to sleep 8 hours instead of my normal 6. I think I did pretty well! Maybe twice I slept less than 8 hours. I also managed to skip kebab, McDonald's candy and potato chips. Instead, I ate pea soup alot, and some other easy-to-make stuff. Started doing exercises, very basic.
week 2: This week I'll add a few long walks, and taking the bike to and from work.